Treasury is the place where guild members can view the assets that their guild possesses.
- Tomato is the new in-game resource which is not tradable and will be used for upgrades in the Research center.
- Currently, Tomato is only earned via Sink.
- Players can check the current holdings of the guild in the Treasury tab.
- Every guild member can turn their snails into workers to earn Tomato from the Sink.
- Worker count from each guild member can be tracked through the Roster tab. It is crucial for guilds to increase their treasury with active members so research buildings can be upgraded.
- The amount of Tomato contributed by guild members can be observed when harvested via Sink.
- Lettuce is a new in-game resource which is not tradable and will be used for upgrades in the Research center.
- Guilds can win Lettuce from Tournaments
#Balance Overview
- Spending information will include the amount of Tomato/Lettuce spent, member that initiated the spend and the upgrade detail.
- Treasury Spending will be voted first if the governance model of the guild is different than Dictatorship.