# Roadmap

This roadmap gives you transparency on what we are currently working on and what our key dates are. We will do our best to stick to these dates but want you to know that they might change depending on internal decisions or external factors.

# September 2021

  • Hello World
  • Website Launch
  • Social Media Launch
  • Whitepaper
  • Initial Game Design
  • Initial Artwork

# Q4 2021

  • Whitelist (Early & JIT Snails)
  • Expanding Initial Artwork
  • Game Trailer
  • Whitelist (Late Snails)
  • Simple View for Racing

# Q1 2022

  • Investor & Partnership Announcements
  • Race Contract
  • Marketplace
  • Ranking System
  • Reward System
  • Breeding Contract

# Q2 2022

  • Genesis Mint
  • Marketplace Launch
  • Game Launch (Mainnet)
  • Breeding Launch
  • Beta Season Start
  • Mobile Integration
  • Post Launch Updates
  • Twitch Integration

# Q3 2022

  • In-Game Shop
  • Mega Race (Bonus)
  • Laboratory
    • Microwave
    • Pressure Pot
  • Profiles
  • Inventory System

# Q4 2022

  • Isometric View for Racing

# Q1 2023

  • Guilds
    • Guild Governance
    • Guild Treasury
    • Roster Management
    • Kitchen Hall & Upgrades & Rewards
    • Snail Staking(via Sink)
    • Proposal System
    • Worker Contract

# Q2 2023

  • Tournaments
    • Team Management
    • Lettuce Emissions
    • Leaderboard
    • Tournament Scheduler
  • First Year Anniversary Event
    • New Items
    • First Year Gift

# Q3 2023

  • Guild Message Board

# Q4 2023

  • Overall Maintenance & Perfomance Upgrades

# Q1 2024

  • Kitchen Balance Changes

# Q2 2024

  • Tournament Updates
  • End of Daily Missions
  • Slime Rush