Snail Trail uses ERC-721 NFT Standard and the following contracts to generate in-game characters.
There are 3 ways that an NFT can be generated using a Snail Trail contract.
Incubator & Laboratory
Owners can generate new NFTs with in-game reproduction systems.
Genesis NFTs will be generated using the "Claim" page before the launch. Early investors and community members can claim these NFTs at fixed prices. Genesis NFTs will be generated when an owner decides to buy them. There will be a maximum of 7500 Genesis NFT, which will be available during Genesis Claim Period at a standard price.
Contract: 0xec675B7C5471c67E9B203c6D1C604df28A89FB7f
Special NFTs
Within one year, 10 Special Snails with random traits and custom-designed art for its owners will be gifted to crypto-space influencers. These influencers will be selected based on social media surveys or simply chosen by our team.