# Whitepaper

04 May 2024

01 May 2024

  • Updated whitepaper with patch notes.

23 Apr 2024

28 Feb 2024

  • Added Kitchen restrictions.

12 Dec 2023

15 May 2023

26 Apr 2023

23 Feb 2023

16 Jan 2023

01 Dec 2022

13 Nov 2022

02 Nov 2022

  • Rewards Log is updated with Formula Slime Week 3 & 4 distributions.

12 Oct 2022

06 Oct 2022

05 Oct 2022

  • New contracts added to Contracts page.
  • Since the idea replaced with auto unlocking adaptations, references to Adaptation Potion are removed.

04 Oct 2022

16 Sep 2022

14 Sep 2022

02 Sep 2022

22 Aug 2022

17 Jul 2022

  • Avalanche House participation added to Event Log

30 Jun 2022

  • Roadmap updated. Q2 goals completed.

26 Jun 2022

04 Jun 2022

26 May 2022

23 May 2022

18 May 2022

15 May 2022

14 May 2022

13 May 2022

05 May 2022

  • Insights section added.
  • Daily Missions daily emissions updated.
  • Leagues page updated. Master league disabled for Beta Season.

01 May 2022

28 Apr 2022

24 Apr 2022

  • Added two more questions to FAQs in Racing section

21 Apr 2022

  • Visual Traits page updated after the mint event.
  • Secondary Marketplace links updated with verified collection pages.
  • Snail ELO gain/lose condition updated for Daily Missions. Only first 5 race on each season will grant ELO points.
  • Vesting periods added for Treasury and Airdrop.
  • Dna crossing worded better for clarity on Family page.
  • Experieceupdated with all the available ways to gain XP.

18 Apr 2022

12 Apr 2022

02 Mar 2022

  • Comprehensive version of the whitepaper published.

11 Sept 2021

  • Initial version of the whitepaper published.