#Activity Board
Users will be able to see important changes of the guild and proposal outcomes on the board.

Important guild events will be shown under the Activity section. Some examples of the activities:
- Proposal creation
- Governance model change
- Guild name change
- Guild description change
- Guild flag change
- Member joined the guild
- Member kicked out from the guild
- Member promoted
- Member demoted
- Member left the guild
- Proposal accepted/ rejected
- Research building purchased
- Research building upgrades
- If the governance model of a guild is different than Dictatorship, the following activities will be voted on first before it is executed:
- Change guild name
- Change guild flag
- Change guild description
- Change guild governance model
- Accept guild application
- Kick player
- Promote player
- Demote player
- Disband guild
- Research
- A proposal for the changes will appear on the top part of the activity board.
- Proposals will have a 24 hour deadline. If no votes are casted until the deadline, the proposal will be rejected.
- Relative majority is needed for a vote to pass otherwise it will be rejected.
- Vote count of a member will depend on the governance model. You can check out more details on the vote powers under governance model
- When a proposal is concluded, it will be announced on the activity board.
- Players cannot change their vote once the vote is submitted.