
Snails can fall under one of the following 7 classes.

  • Master, Expert, Apprentice, Initiate, and Novice classes will be available in-game anytime.
  • Genesis and Special classes will be minted to specific users for a specific time period.
Class TypeHow To ObtainAvailabilityGenerationCount
GenesisGenesis MintBefore Release[1-5]7500
MasterIncubator and LaboratoryIn GameAnyUnlimited
ExpertIncubator and LaboratoryIn GameAnyUnlimited
ApprenticeIncubator and LaboratoryIn GameAnyUnlimited
InitiateIncubator and LaboratoryIn GameAnyUnlimited
NoviceIncubator and LaboratoryIn GameAnyUnlimited
SpecialSnail Trail AwardsAlwaysAny10 per Year

#How do I get a Genesis Snail?

Genesis Snails will be available before launch with Genesis Mint Event. In total, there will be 7500 Genesis Snails released. Genesis Snails will be generated randomly.