#Ash Items
There are 7 items that can be collected from Ashes.
Slime boost is used to boost a snail's slime boost value. A snail's slime boost is a coefficient that increases its points gained from competitive races for Slime Rush. Slime Boost multiplies the points earned from competitive races. For example; if a snail earns 6 Points from a compeitive race with 1.0 Slime Boost value, it can win 60 Points with 10.0 Slime Boost value with same placement.
- A snail is born with 1 slime boost.
- A snail's slime boost can be at most 10.
- Slime Boost item is a guaranteed drop from all of the ashes.
- Previously, it was used to boost daily mission rewards.
#Slime Boost Coefficient
- Every ash contains a Slime Boost item.
- Slime Boost Coefficient(SBC) of each Slime Boost item varies based on snails' traits.
- A snail's Slime Boost Value(SBV) starts with 1.0 on birth.
- All Genesis snails(with P11) drops a Slime Boost with 0.9 coefficient.
- All other snails drop a Slime Boost with coefficient value of [0.5-0.8] multiplied by .
- Exact value of the coefficient(SBC: [0.5-0.8]) is calculated based on Snail's traits with respect to following formula;
Non-genesis Alive Population
Population group count for trait
Trait's population group order in NAP (descending order)
- To breakdown the formulas;
- base part is set between 0.5 to 0.6 randomly with 0.01 intervals.
- family part is calculated with dividing 0.07 to the population order of the family of snail in NAP.
- For example; if there are 10 Atlantis, 20 Agate, 21 Milk, 22 Helix and 25 Gardens in NAP, then 0.07 is multiplied by 5/5, 4/5, 3/5, 2/5 and 1/5 respectively; contributing 0.07, 0.058, 0.042, 0.028, 0.014 to final result.
- class part is calculated with divinding 0.02 to the population order of the class of snail in NAP.
- purity part is calculated with divinding 0.1 to the population order of the purity of snail in NAP.
- For example; if there is only 1 Purity 4 snail, that can bring more points from here than higher purities.
- xp part is 0.01 if snail is above 14 level. If not is is 0.
#What will happen if a snail with Genesis Class and a purity that is different than 11 is microwaved?
In such case, slime boost coefficient receives full points (0.02) from class part of the equation.
#What will happen if two population group has the same population?
Lets see it in an example. Say, population distribution for families is 10, 20, 20, 22, 22. In such case respective order values will be 5, 4, 4, 3, 3. Thus points gained through family part will be 0.07, 0.058, 0.058, 0.042, 0.042 respectively.
#TLDR; Slime boost coefficient will be higher if the burned snail's traits are more rare with respect to other snails.
There are 5 different type of genesis dust with respect to each snail family. Genesis dust has purity coefficients as well.
For example; a genesis agate snail with 11 purity drops;
- Agate Genesis Dust (P11)
There are two types of usage for Genesis Dusts.
- A snail can be cooked with a genesis dust to upgrade its class to Genesis.
- Snail's class must be non-genesis.
- Snail's purity must be above 11.
- A genesis dust can be mixed with another genesis dust of same family & purity.
- Agate Genesis Dust (P11) + Agate Genesis Dust (P11) = Agate Genesis Dust (P12)
- Mixing process is irreversable.
XP Boosts allows snails to gain double XP from any experience gaining event.
- XP Boost lasts for 24 hours once applied to a snail.
- A snail can use one boost at a time.
Breeding scroll decreases incubation fee to 0. However it does not have any affect on the male donor's fee.
Microwave scroll decreases microwave fee of a single snail to 0.
#Other Items
These items can be acquired from various sources. Currently they are not available through Ashes.
- Tomato Basket contains random amount of Tomato with respect to its Tier.
- User must have a Guild to open and claim Tomato Basket's tomatoes.
- Lettuce Basket contains random amount of Lettuce with respect to its Tier.
- User must have a Guild to open and claim Lettuce Basket's lettuces.
- Lettuce Basket tiers are not publicly available yet.
- Mystery Box contains various amount of items.
- Mystery Box can be obtained by different future events.
- It will also be used to compensate players back in case of missing items due to a bug/issue.